The Cucamonga Creek Watershed Regional Water Quality Project (Mill Creek Wetlands) is a 52-acre natural wetland system that provides water quality, recreation, and habitat restoration benefits, located in the Prado Basin.
The project is the result of a multi-agency partnership with the Corps, City of Ontario, City of Chino, San Bernardino County Parks, Orange County Water District, and the Inland Empire Utilities Agency utilizing Corps land and City of Ontario grant funds along with private developer funds to create a $25 million facility. Carlson was instrumental in project design, preparation of CEQA/NEPA documents, and obtaining project approvals from the Corps and the City of Ontario. The project was given the Outstanding Public Sector Civil Engineering Project Award by the American Society of Civil Engineers in June 2014. Carlson Strategic Land Solutions is currently under contract with the City of Ontario to manage the Mill Creek Wetlands. Carlson performed the following major tasks:
Environmental CEQA/NEPA
Preparation of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Mitigated Negative Declaration
Preparation of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Assessment
Regulatory, Permitting, Monitoring, Biology
Jurisdictional Delineation and Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan
Resource Management Plan
Section 404 NWP / Section 401 WQC / Section 1602 LSA
Section 7 Biological Opinion / CDFG Section 1 Habitat and Water Quality Vegetation Design
Construction monitoring
Least Bell’s vireo / Burrowing Owl / Nesting Bird surveys
Vegetation Transects
Annual Reporting
Current management of MCW operations and habitat