Carlson has served as the on-call environmental consultant for Murrieta Valley Unified School District (MVUSD) since around 2001. Carlson prepared EIRs for two high schools, a K-8 combined elementary school, as well as comprehensive IS/MNDs for a middle school and two elementary schools.

Several of the school sites required regulatory permits that were negotiated and obtained by Carlson. CSLS remains the School District’s on-call environmental consultant today. Projects include:
Environmental Oversight and Management
Murrieta Mesa High School: Murrieta Mesa High School (MMHS) is a 275,000 square foot high school on 62 acres serving 2,400 students. Carlson was MVUSD’s lead consultant for negotiating with the City of Murrieta, preparation, and implementation of the regulatory permits for impacts to a jurisdictional drainage, community outreach with the adjacent residential neighborhoods, and worked closely with KKC for preparation of the EIR. MMHS was approved. Carlson designed and monitored the mitigation site.
Vista Murrieta High School: Vista Murrieta High School (VMHS) is a 250,000 square foot high school on 50 acres serving 3,500 students, which was part of a Specific Plan prepared by the City of Murrieta. MVUSD and the City of Murrieta were co-Lead Agencies and prepared a joint EIR for VMHS and the Specific Plan. Carlson designed and implemented the mitigation program for impacts to the Quino Checkerspot Butterfly (QCB) and drainages. All of MVUSD’s mitigation requirements have been successfully satisfied and signed off by the regulatory agencies under the direction of Carlson.
Mails and McElhinny Campus: The Mails and McElhinny Campus is a 250,000 square foot campus serving 2,800 Kindergarten through 8th grade students on 52 acres. Carlson was MVUSD’s lead consultant for preparation of an Environmental Impact Report. Additionally, the Campus is located in QCB and coastal California gnatcatcher (CGN) critical habitat, within the Western Riverside MSHCP, and contains numerous jurisdictional drainages. Carlson developed a strategy to avoid impacts to jurisdiction in order to avoid a Section 7 consultation with the USFWS, regulatory permits, and a protracted negotiation on the MSHCP. This strategy saved the District a substantial amount of development costs, but more importantly allowed MVUSD to begin construction on time to meet the opening date for students, which would not have been possible without this strategy.
CNG Bus Fleet Conversion Project: Carlson prepared an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for the conversion of MVUSD’s existing diesel bus fleet to a compressed natural gas fueling facility at the District office. Carlson provided project management, developed a comprehensive project description, coordinated with sub-consultants and oversaw all technical studies and reports, identified and detailed mitigation measures as part of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The IS/MND was certified and the project was approved on November 8, 2012.