IRWD 2022
for IRWD
California along with most of the Western United States is experiencing persisting mega-drought and worsening climate change. Irvine Ranch Water District (“IRWD”) must take leadership in pursuing innovative policies while promoting economic growth.
in seeking IRWD Board Membership are:
increasing water conservation,
ensuring reliable and diverse water supplies;
implementing economical and equitable water and sewer rates;
representing diverse customer bases; and
strengthening infrastructure to withstand impacts of climate change.
I am a local businessman providing real estate development and financial services.
I am a Chartered Financial Analyst, holding public policy, city planning and engineering degrees from Harvard, Berkeley and Swarthmore respectively. My wife is a public schoolteacher in the Saddleback Valley Unified District, and our young child attends a public school in the Irvine Unified School District. My family has grown with Irvine, and we care deeply about our community. My desire to serve on the IRWD Board are to contribute solutions to important local water resources and related issues, and to leave our environment better than we found it for future generations.
I sincerely ask for your support. Thank you for your consideration.